Tuesday, December 11, 2012

My Favorite Piece Of Literature

My favorite piece of literature that has been discussed this semester would have to be The Scarlett Letter. The piece of literature would have to be one of my favorites because it is based on real life situations, and it also shows a old fashioned and old way of thinking. Back in the day, they believed that adultery was a sin, and therefore someone who commits adultery should be punished. However, nowadays people cheat on their significant others, and it is not considered a sin, and people do not get punished except for maybe the occasional heartbreak from a breakup. The story showed me how much society, culture, and people's mentality has changed from back in the day, and how all of those factors being changed could impact the whole story. The Scarlett Letter was a very interesting piece of literature, it had many ups and downs, and made me sit at the edge of my bed while reading, seeing if the truth would be revealed. The book made me realize that one mistake or an action can change one's life forever. Having Pearl changed Hester's life, even if it was for better or for worse, but it most definitely did change it. I loved the fact that there was a secret that the people did not know about and for a while in the story neither did we the readers. Not knowing who the father was, who Hester's husband was, and what the whole picture was, made even more excited to read the story and find out. The suspense of what will happen next made the book even more amazing, and after finding out the secrets, it was not over there was always more, and there was always something that made one not be able to put the book down. The book, and the mentality of the people in it may be different than the people if this generation, but there may be some similarities than one might think. The book is one of my favorites and I will never forget it, and the emotion and thoughts I had while reading it.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

"Californians Anxiously Await Word From High Court on Gay Marriage" by David G. Savage and Jessica Garrison

In the Los Angeles Times there is an article about whether the Supreme Court will follow the states on banning gay marriage. The high court has not taken action yet, but is waiting till next week to make adecision for the pening appeals of gay marriage. At the San Francisco City Hall, officials are preparing for same sex couples seeking marraige liscenses, and that are making contingency plans for demonstrations. "We will have people coming to celebrate, and people coming to get married, and it wouldn't be unusual that we would have protesters," San Francisco City Atty. spokesman Matt Dorsey said.(latimes) The justices met, to discuss Proposition eight, and cases involving the Defense of Marriage Ac, the court said that it agreed to hear the bussiness cases. The court is going to hear at least one gay marriage case. The U.S. Appeals Courts in both Boston and New York have said no to the Defense of Marriage Act, that denies federal benefits for people that are married to the same sex. This means that the federal law is constitutional in some nations, and not inothers, and so the high court must step in to resolve this issue. The government should not be allowed to tell people whom they should fall in love with and marry. That is the persons descision, and their sidnificant others, not the governemts. However, if the federal law is deciding it should be the same for all nations, not different for some and different for others.