Saturday, January 12, 2013

Independent Reading Project

During the presentations I was surprised to see that most of the books were similar in the fact that they were about suicide, learning about one's self, sad memories and so forth. However there were other books that were different and interesting as well. I really enjoyed listening about all the books but, there is one in particular that I would read and one that I would not. The book I would read is Child Called It: One Child's Courage to Survive by David J. Pelzer, because I have not read this book before, and during the presentation it  seemed like one that I would really enjoy. I love books that make me emotional, those are the books that keep me interested. Sam, during his presentation made me want to read the book because he made it seem like it is a very well written book, one that has sad moments that are just gruesome and disturbing, but the interesting part is seeing how that boy survives his horrible mother. I would really like to read this book because I am interested to know the details of what she truly did, even though that sounds a bit twisted, but I would also like to see what took place in the escape of the child from his mother. The book I am less likely to read or I just do not want to read is Go for the Goal: A Champion's Guide to Winning in Soccer and Life by Mia Hamm, because one type of person I'm not is a sport lover. I am not someone who watches sports, keeps up with it, knows the athletes names, so therefore I do not think I would really enjoy this book. It does seem like it teaches a lot about life and has lessons to learn, but it also is about her sport, soccer, her team, life, games that she won, aspects of the book that I believe will not interest me very much. However I do think that all the books were very interesting in their own ways, and I would really love to read them all if I could. I also enjoyed the presentations and everyone's book made me want to listen to what they were about.  

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