On there is a video by The Daily Show, whose link is on top. The video has three particular parts two of which are fairly similar. Jon Stewart, satirizes about a women who is a gun rights activist, Obama's skeet shooting criticism, and has Jason Bateman on the show. The first satirical target, is a gun rights activist, who exaggerates the fact that women who have children need guns if three, four, or five, criminals enter her house and she needs a scary-looking gun to protect her children and herself. Second, would be the people who criticize Barack Obama, because of his skeet shooting photograph that was released. Third, he does not necessarily satirize Jason Bateman, whom he has on the show, however Jason Bateman shows his narcissistic side. For the first target the satirical purpose is to show people how ridiculous these gun rights activists are, and how they try to paint an exaggerated picture inside people's heads to prove their point, and how stupid they sound. The second satirical purpose is to show Americans that whatever Obama does that the people who do not like him will continue not to like him. The President can do anything good or bad, but the haters will remain haters, they will criticize him for anything. And the third purpose is to show the viewers Jason Batemans narcissistic side, which they may not have seen before. For the first target diminution and exaggeration is used, because he takes a video, and uses simpler and funnier words to prove his point, that the activist is exaggerating, and unless she is living in during the Alamo than her point will never happen. For the second, diminution is used again and so is innuendo, because he takes a very complicated situation of the people who are not for Obama and the actions he makes, and puts it into a rhyming book. He satirizes the haters by telling a story of how they do not like anything he does, however he also uses innuendo because he directly insults the people who do not like Barack Obama. For the third target, since it was not a direct satirical target none of the satirical devices were used. From all the three targets, Jon Stewart wants us to know that one, nothing that extreme is going to ever happen, and the gun rights activist just simply sounds stupid calling the gun a scary looking gun, second that Barack Obama is a great President, and people that do not like him will not like him even if he does something amazing, and third that even actors can have a narcissistic side to them.
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